I highly recommend  to read the manual and take the tutorial  before playing. The game features  fairly mature content such as references to  blood, death, and depression. If you are not comfortable with those, please do not play this.  If this is all fine  with you, but you're unsure with playing it, give it a try! It's free!  THE MENU IS BROKEN PLEASE SAVE BEFORE, AUTOSAVE ISN'T PERFECT

Compatible with:   Anything that can play the HTML5,  and anything that has a Gameboy emulator.


Bygone Choices Manual 1 MB
Bygone Choices.cia 7 MB
Bygone Choices.gbc 4 MB
Bygone Choices.gb 4 MB

Install instructions

If you download anything that's not the HTML5 or the manual, an emulator or modded system may be required.

Development log


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Hey there. I didn’t get to explore much of your game, but I loved the end of my journey. I felt it would be a shame to spoil too much more with how much effort you seemed to put into the game. It was a fun time. Thanks for making and sharing this game. 😊

Hi! I watched your vid, and thank you for the friendly criticism! This was my first adventure with making video games, and kinda code in  general. I'll make sure to try to fix some of the common issues that you  and other people have experienced in my next project.   And it's really means so much to me that at least  a single person played my game. Really, thank you  so much for playing it. That's all - Zach